Tuesday, September 7, 2010

silly Delete key

In Digital Civilization class today, Andrew commented about the "Delete" key on the keyboard and how it effects today's language. To be honest with you, when brainstorming to write a paper or while creating a rough draft, the "Delete" key is my least favorite key on the keyboard. I find myself constantly typing out a thought or idea but deleting it because it doesn't make sense or I'm not sure how it will link in with the rest of my ideas. I have always looked at the word processor as the last step in the writing process and therefore feel like whatever I type should be clear and concise. Does anybody else feel the same way I do about the "Delete" key?


  1. Great post! I totally agree. One of the things that I find hardest about writing in the computer is that it is way too easy to delete things. I will spend way too much time deleting versus doing actual writing and sometimes after I have deleted something I will realize that I actually want it there. I did a great thing once though that helped me out a ton to get over my over use of the delete key. In my freshman writing course at BYU my professor had us do free-writes on a consistant basis. That would seem pretty normal, but the cool thing aout it was that we were not allowed to stop typing and we could not use the delete key. IT made for some really cool writing, along with some really incoherent stuff. I liked it because it helped me just get ideas down. It separated editing and writing for me. I enjoyed it.

  2. I never really though about what my delete key really did for me until I was posting this comment. I started to think of ideas for why I liked my delete key then realized everything you stated was right so I deleted that entire idea and started this one. Interesting..

  3. haha. I liked the comments above! I am simply grateful that we don't live in the days of typewriters with non-existent delete keys.

  4. Here is another interesting experiment to try. How many keys do you hit before you have to hit the delete key? Is there an average number of keys hit before someone has to hit the delete key? In composing this comment, I hit the delete key after about eight key taps. :)

  5. I like the idea of writing without using the delete key. I think I would be able to let my mind flow a lot more freely.
